Contact Us
WWhether you have a question about our company or want to know how we can help you, we’d like to hear from you! Contacting Raymond Corcoran Trucking is easy—pick up the phone and call the person whom you believe can best meet your needs. Each person’s phone extension is listed by their name in our company directory.
Company Directory
Name | Title | Phone Ext |
Jennifer McCollum | Human Resources & Safety Manager | 3252 |
Michael Gable | Dispatcher | 3266 |
Nikki Schaubel | Office Manager | 3269 |
Jeff Wilmot | Shop Foreman | 3268 |

Corporate Contact Information
Billings, MT 59101
Phone:(406) 252-7054
Fax: (406) 252-4711
E-mail: rct@raymondcorcorantrkg.com